St. Aloysius’ College
Senior Cycle
Progression Beyond Second Level
St. Aloysius’ College provides a wide range of subjects at all levels which cater for the career & personal progression of students beyond their second level education.
Students and parents are supported by teachers, the Student Support and Guidance Teams in relation to subject choice from early in their time at the college utilising the whole school guidance model. The Guidance department provides clear overview information at annual subject choice meetings to enable students to make informed decisions regarding their subject selections.
Students are usually required to take seven subjects for the Leaving Certificate.
At the end of third year students must choose to study at least one foreign language (Spanish, French or German) along with three other optional subjects. Students may select two modern foreign languages if they have studied these to Junior Cycle or are native speakers of the language.
Students receive fully open subject choice but are advised by a member of the Student Support Team & parents will be contacted by a member of the Student Support Team, where a concern arises regarding the suitability of a subject selection.
Where possible we aim to give all students all of their preferences.
The four core subjects are mandatory, unless a student has an Irish and / or NUI exemption (NUI exemptions are the responsibility of the parent to make an application).
Core Exam Subjects
Non-Core Exam Subjects
RSE - Relationship Sexuality Education
Three Option Subjects from;
Applied Maths - an extra subject
Applied Maths is offered as a potential eighth subject as part of our programme for the academically gifted student. It operates ex timetable in 5th year two mornings per week before school and as part of the timetable in 6th year. Where places allow, TY students may join the 5th year class as an accelerator programme to advance their work in this subject area/ trial it before committing in 5th year.
Irish exemptions
From September 2024 we will be trialling the operation of one subject at Irish times in TY, 5th and 6th year for students with Irish exemptions not requiring learning support. This subject will be informed annually prior to subject choice to allow students to exclude this subject from main subject choice selections. The subject operated at this time will be one which is core to all students at JC level to ensure an inclusive approach eg: Geography (September 2024), History, PE
Students with a diagnosed learning need may not avail of this option without the written permission of the Principal as their support for learning will be delivered at these times on the timetable.
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)
In addition to the established Leaving Certificate, the school offers the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme.
LCVP is a Senior Cycle Programme of the Department of Education and Skills, designed to give a strong practical dimension to the Leaving Certificate (established).
The LCVP combines the academic strengths of the Leaving Certificate (established) with a new and dynamic focus on self–directed learning, innovation and enterprise, work and the community.
LCVP is run as part of subject options at the college ie: one of the seven subjects available as part of subject choice.