St. Aloysius’ College
Transition Year
A Bridge Between Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle.
Our Transition Year programme is designed to help our students grow from the somewhat teacher-led, dependent learner found primarily at Junior Cycle into a more independent, autonomous and creative learner. The programme is learning-led and aims to prepare students appropriately for the increased academic rigour of the Leaving Certificate while providing a variety and breadth of learning experiences that will encourage our students to grow on a personal and social level.
Our Transition Year programme helps our students' educational progress through developing their self-awareness, enhancing their knowledge of work and career possibilities, increasing their understanding of roles and responsibilities and crucially developing their critical thinking, creative problem-solving and communication skills.
There is a cost to the year which is directly linked to the price of trips, activities, events, programmes and workshops that are provided for the benefit of the students. Financial support for TY Fees is available to parents of students moving into their fourth year at the college. Parents can make an application to the Mother Magdalene Awards by contacting the the main office for an application form (office@saintals.ie)
We believe every student benefits from Transition Year and therefore there is an emphasis on academic as well as personal growth. Students get the opportunity to begin their journey into Leaving Certificate coursework with a clear focus upon the knowledge, skills, values and dispositions required for thriving at Senior Cycle. These include:
Thinking and Solving Problem
Being Creative
Managing Learning and Self
Working with Others
Participating in Society
Cultivating Wellbeing
Literacy & Numeracy
Participation in TY contributes to the continuing personal, social, emotional, intellectual, civic and career readiness of students giving them space and opportunities to flourish as individuals and as a collective.
Our Transition Year Core Team meets weekly to plan all matters related to the TY programme and is currently developing a new TY Programme Statement in line with the Department of Education’s recently published guidelines (September 2024). The school’s Statement will be available on this website with other policies.
Subjects, Modules, Learner Experiences and Assessment
At the end of third year students choose their option subjects for Transition Year. They must choose to study at least one foreign language (French, German or Spanish) with three other optional subjects (open choice). Students may select two modern foreign languages if they wish. Students will sit exams in their chosen subjects at the end of October (Autumn Assessments) and at the end of May (Summer Assessments). The results and formative feedback are communicated with home via VSware.
Core Subjects:
Modern Foreign Language: French/ German/ Spanish (if exempt, four options selected without language - parent is responsible for applying for NUI exemption)
Three Option Subjects from:
Agricultural Science
Business Studies
Home Economics
Physical Education (LCPE)
Religious Education
Second Modern Foreign Language; French/ German/ Spanish
Applied Maths is offered as an 8th subject or extra at Senior Cycle and is only recommended as an extension subject for exceptionally able students.
Core Learning Experiences:
Guidance, Work Experience and Career Readiness
SPHE: RSE Programmes, Mind Out Mental Health Programme (Mindout - National Youth Council of Ireland), Female Leadership Programme, LIFT Leadership Programme (LIFT: Youth Leadership), Yoga and Meditation Programme
IT - Senior Skills & Portfolio Creation
Students also choose to study one of the following to complete for the year:
Students engage in Theatre production annually as a core part of their learning:
On stage roles
Orchestra/ Chorus Singing
Stage and Set Design
Stage, backstage & Prop Management
Sound and Lighting production
Enterprise & PR management
When the show has been completed each February, students engage with ongoing workshops and developmental experiences including:
First Aid: All students complete a First Aid Course which provides students with the knowledge and confidence to assist in case of an accident or medical emergency in school or at home. This provides students with training in CPR, use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) and more.
Module Based Learning Experiences
During our Transition Year programme students complete various modules to enhance their learning and promote student development. These run in 6 - 8 weeks blocks and students rotate as the year progresses. We are always updating these each year to cater for students' interests etc.
Some Current Modules:
Astronomy Programme
Driver Safety Programme
Holocaust Studies
Italian Language and Cultural Studies
Media Development and Podcasting Programme
Climate Justice Calor Rewrite Energy Programme - Rewrite Programme
Sugar Crafting - the Art of Food Programme
Film Studies
Animal Care Programme
Be Fire Safe Programme - Bfire Safe @School