St. Aloysius’ College

Student Voice

Student Council

The Student Council is a representative structure, through which students in St. Aloysius’ College can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.

  • The Student Council of St. Aloysius College consists of 13 democratically elected students with a maximum of two students elected to represent each year group except 6th Year where three Head Girls are appointed following elections from with the class groups and interview with the Principal, Deputy Principal and Year Head in May of the previous year. 

    Role of the Council

    • Represent the views of the students on matters of general concern to them and to ensure that students’ issues are listened to and given due consideration.

    • Enhance communication between students, management, staff and parents.

    • Promote friendship and respect among pupils.

    • Support the management and staff in the development of the school.

    In St. Aloysius College the Student Council has a consultative role. Students are involved in and contribute to the introduction and or amendments to policies such as our Code of Conduct, Anti- Bullying, Homework etc.

Class Captains

There are two Class Captains nominated within each base class in each year group by students using Google Form vote in September. 

  • Role of the Class Captains

    • Communication link between the Class Tutor/ Year Head and the class group.

    • Weekly cleaning rota for the base class/ lunch room/ Quad to be completed at the start of school year with Year Head/ Tutor.

    • Support for Breakfast Club daily on rota across the full school year. 

    • Support for initiatives such as Uniform Shop, Books Scheme and Stationary Shop periodically during the school year.

    • Roll call at weekly assembly or on school excursions and trips supported and checked by teacher/ coach/ supervisor. 

    • IT support: collecting chromebooks from the admin office when needed & overseeing correct return of devices to trolleys by students.

    • Admin and parent support at parent-teacher meetings for their own year group annually.

    • Communicate class ideas and concerns on behalf of class members to Student Council reps and Year Head/ tutor as appropriate.


The word Treoraí is the Irish term for "Guide," and in our school, 4th Year Treoraí serve as mentors to 1st Year students as they transition into secondary school. This initiative helps support incoming 1st Years as they adjust from primary to secondary education.

  • At the end of 3rd Year, students interested in becoming Treoraí are required to submit a written expression of interest via email to the 1st Year Head. Their submission should explain why they are applying, their understanding of the role, ideas they have for it, and why they believe they would be a good fit to assist our 1st Year students.

    Successful applicants receive training at the start of 4th Year and become part of the Treoraí team as part of their Transition Year programme.

    Role of the Treoraí 

    • Assistance with the 1st Year induction day. 

    • Liaise and help the 1st Year Head and teachers involved in the 1st Year ‘Getting to Know You Day’.

    • Draw up a rota. These students will be available to 1st Years to help with locker organisation before school starts, at morning break and lunchtime.

    • Help with Open Night and training of 1st Year students as guides. 

    • Organise a 1st Year activity in October e.g. movie, quiz etc.

    • Attend an assembly in November and present on study skills to all 1st Year students. 

    • Visit Homework Club one day a week to help students with homework if required.

    • Assist with the incoming 1st Year students entrance assessments. 

Head Girls Jane & Vanessa from the Class of 2022

Listen to Head Girls, Jane Palmer and Vanessa Phillips describe their time at St. Aloysius College.