St. Aloysius’ College


A Flourishing Tradition

There is a long tradition of Music within St. Aloysius College choirs have flourished here for more than 80 years. Our choirs form the backbone of almost every celebration. For over 50 years the school has held an annual musical and our Christmas Carol Service is almost as long standing.

Our music teachers, Ms Lorena Gillard and Ms Ellen O’Keeffe, a St. Al’s alumnae, take great pride in creating opportunities for each girl to thrive, be it in vocal or instrumental performance. They cater as much for students who join us having never learned an instrument or sung in a choir as they do for those who join us with Grade 8 in one or more instruments.

Indeed there are no less than five active choirs within the school at any one time and we even have a choral group made up of past pupils! The department collaborates with the Drama department to put on our annual TY musical which is one of the highlights of our Transition Year programme. We also participate in numerous choral competitions.

The Aloysius Barbershop Chorus (The ABC's)

2018 began the collaboration between IABS (Irish Association of Barbershop Singers) and the graduate class of 2020. Barbershop singing hit the school like a bug and students from each year group in the school came together to perform at their first Convention. With continued professional development from IABS the choir has gone from strength to strength. Enjoying a “Big Sing” in Birr with fellow barbershoppers and Pitch Perfect legend “Deke Sharon”, competing in the Cork International Choral Festival, our annual Carol Service & celebrating 150 years of the SMG Sisters in Carrigtwohill.

These talented students come from every year group in the school. Their dedication knows no bounds, as well as practising after school they are always happy to work through their lunch break in favour of improving their performance.

Why do our students love coming to choir?

“I have always been interested in performing and theatre. I had been planning to join the choir since before I started in first year. I went to the first rehearsal I could and I have never regretted it. That first time the entire choir sang "Rolling in the Deep”, four parts coming together in perfect harmony, I was in awe. Since that day I knew I had to be a part of this, the first love of my life.”

(Aimee - 5th year student)

“The events we go to. They are so fun to go to and very entertaining and inspiring to watch other choirs sing different songs and dance different moves.”

(Dorinda - 3rd year student)

“I've gained so much experience from competing in competitions that have helped in my life, like how to manage nervousness before going on stage that I can use later in life if I need to do a presentation, speech or performance.”

(Sanjana - 5th year student)

Why do our students love coming to choir?

IABS first Open Youth Contests took place in October 2022 and we were ecstatic to place first in the competition. This in turn allowed us to qualify to represent our school and IABS at the BHS (Barbershop Harmony Society) Mid Winter Convention in January 2024 in New York.  

Madison shares some of her memories from our trip to New York city:

“The trip to New York to compete in the BHS Midwinter Convention was a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget. It was better than I ever could have imagined and I made memories and friends for life. Competing and watching the competition was so much fun and I learned so much from fellow barber shoppers who were so happy and willing to help with any questions I had. It was a great learning experience that was also so inspiring with many quartets being formed after. 

My favourite part of the trip was the sights and things we got to do and see.  We were the first group ever to sing the Irish National Anthem in the barbershop style at The Irish Embassy Consulate Office, The Rockefeller Christmas Tree, St.Patrick’s Cathedral, Grand Central Station, Macy’s, Lady Liberty, the billboards of Times Square and of course the fountain in Bryant Park (not the Friends one). I made friends for life from all different year groups whilst on the trip and I now know I can walk into school and talk to anyone. 

I really will never forget the trip we had and I will be forever proud of us and how far we got from all our hard work and I will always be thankful for the teachers who believed in us every step of the way.”

We're always ready for action with new repertoire, new opportunities and continue to welcome incoming first years and any other student who might have caught the barbershop bug!

Some of Our Performances