St. Aloysius’ College

Being a St. Al’s Girl

“Once a St. Al's girl,
Always a St. Al's girl”

What it means to be
a St. Al’s Girl

We hold great store in the traditions that have been built up over the 75 years of education the school has provided. Throughout that time, from one generation to the next, the concept of being a St. Al’s girl has always held precedence.

We asked our student council what that meant and these were the replies we got.

  • ‘When you’re a St. Al’s girl, you’re part of a community – there’s a sense of belonging.’

  • ‘St. Al’s girls look out for each other. They build each other up.’

  • ‘St. Al’s girls are accepting of each other.’

  • ‘Being a St. Al’s girl means being respectful of other students and teachers.’

  • ‘When you’re a St. Al’s girl, others treat you with respect.’

  • ‘St. Al’s girls are loyal to the college and  wear their uniform with great pride.’

  • ‘It means being part of an atmosphere of care, where we are welcomed. Where we can talk to our teachers.’

  • ‘Once you’re a St. Al’s girl you will always be welcome back and will be a St. Al’s girl forever.’