St. Aloysius’ College
Study Skills
Help & Support
St. Aloysius College has many supports in place for our students in regards to study skills; Career Guidance classes and one-to-one meetings, Academic Coaching, study skill workshops, advice from class teachers and more.
Students at St. Aloysius College want to do well and get the best out of school and the best out of themselves! Academic success in secondary school requires several elements to be in place:
Having excellent attendance.
Set clear goals and stay organised.
Engage actively in class.
Develop strong study habits.
Balance academic with extra-curricular activities.
Take care of your mind as well as your body.
Effort & Results
These are just some of the basic things that need to happen for you to do well in school. However, experience shows that it is a mistake to assume that once all of the above are in place, that success is guaranteed. Something extra is needed, i.e. study.
If we define academic success as the student trying her best, the focus shifts from the results obtained to the efforts made in obtaining that result. It could be argued that studying in the run up to exams does not constitute a student's best effort. Students who perform to the best of their ability - regardless of grade achieved - are those students who study consistently throughout the school year and not just in the run up to a class or end of term exam. The decisions students make between now and the start of their exams can have a positive impact on your future.
Link to some excellent advice: Study Skills - Careers Portal
Students receive much supports in school to help them with their study such as:
Subject specific advice from their teacher.
School Clubs.
Exam year study skills workshops.
SPHE topical study skills lessons.
Academic Tracking & Academic Coaching.
Subject specific workshops and trips.
School Library.
Career Guidance.
Homework Club & Supervised Study.