St. Aloysius’ College

Debate & Public Speaking

Debate & Public Speaking Club

Our Debate and Public Speaking Club is a student-led society open to all year groups at St. Al’s! One of the oldest clubs in the school, going all the way back to the 1940s, our mission is to empower students with the confidence and skills to express their ideas effectively. 

Through engaging games, interactive walking debates, and group discussions, we create a fun and supportive environment where every voice is valued.

What We Do

One of our core goals is to teach the fundamentals of public speaking and debate, including the rules of debating and how to structure strong, convincing arguments. We regularly send students to compete in local, regional, and national competitions across Cork and Munster, where we have achieved great success. 

Notable competitions include the October League, Concern Debates, National Model United Nations, Gael Linn Irish Debates and the annual St. Al’s Junior Mace Debate. Our reach extends beyond Ireland, with students representing St. Al’s at the European Youth Parliament, participating in debates in Switzerland, Belgium, and France.

A Space for Everyone

Whether you want to step up and speak or simply observe and offer feedback, the Debate and Public Speaking Club is for everyone. You'll have the opportunity to explore current affairs, tackle thought-provoking topics, and develop essential public speaking skills in a relaxed setting where peer support is key.

What You’ll Learn

Why Join?

  • How to research and structure arguments effectively.

  • Techniques for delivering persuasive speeches in front of an audience.

  • Responding to points of information and challenging opposing views.

  • Engaging in discussions on important issues and current events.

Debating is more than just public speaking—it's a platform for self-expression, critical thinking, and personal growth. It will sharpen your communication skills, boost your confidence, and improve your command of the English language. 

Whether you're considering a career in law, politics, business, education, or simply want to refine your ability to articulate ideas, joining the Debate and Public Speaking Club can open doors to exciting opportunities in the future.

Ready to find your voice?

Come along to our next meeting, after school Tuesdays 4.00 - 5.00 or lunchtime Thursdays in Room 30. All students are welcome to join, regardless of experience level. 

Even if debating isn’t your thing yet, you can still be a part of the conversation. 

We look forward to seeing you there!